Lecture 1 - Introduction to Water Quality
Lecture 2 - Classification of Major Water Pollutants
Lecture 3 - Emerging Concerns in Wastewater Treatment in Global Scenario
Lecture 4 - Environmental Legislation and Regulatory Standards
Lecture 5 - Commonly used terminologies and definitions
Lecture 6 - Collection and Preservation of Samples and the Measurement of pH, Acidity, Alkalinity
Lecture 7 - Measurement of DO and Solids in wastewater (TSS/VSS/TDS), Turbidity
Lecture 8 - Determination of BOD, COD and TOC
Lecture 9 - Modelling of BOD and its relation with COD and TOC
Lecture 10 - Determination of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Microbial Counts
Lecture 11 - Wastewater Treatment Classification and Plant Analysis
Lecture 12 - Order of Reaction and Types of Reactors Used in Wastewater Treatment
Lecture 13 - Concept of Mass Balance
Lecture 14 - Overview of Sewage Treatment Plant
Lecture 15 - Self-Purification and its Factors
Lecture 16 - Screens
Lecture 17 - Grit Chamber and its Classification - I
Lecture 18 - Grit Chamber and its Classification - II and Skimming Tank
Lecture 19 - Theory of Sedimentation and Introduction to Primary Sedimentation Tank and its Types
Lecture 20 - PST: Performance factors affecting efficiency and design recommendations
Lecture 21 - Equalization
Lecture 22 - Neutralization, Dissolved Air Floatation
Lecture 23 - Coagulation
Lecture 24 - Flocculation
Lecture 25 - Pre-aeration and other advanced primary treatment units
Lecture 26 - Bacterial Metabolism and Their Use in Wastewater
Lecture 27 - Factors Affecting Bacterial Growth and Wastewater Treatment Using Bacteria
Lecture 28 - Role of enzymes and algae in biological wastewater treatment
Lecture 29 - Important nomenclature on aerobic treatment units
Lecture 30 - Types of aeration used in aerobic treatment units and Analysis of Gas Transfer
Lecture 31 - Activated Sludge Process: Description and Types
Lecture 32 - Bacterial growth kinetics in ASP: Biomass mass balance and substrate mass balance
Lecture 33 - Equalization Estimation of values of other operating parameters in ASP
Lecture 34 - Numericals on ASP
Lecture 35 - Sequencing Batch Reactor
Lecture 36 - Trickling Filter- Physical Overview, Types and Process Description
Lecture 37 - Aerated Lagoon, Fluidised Bed Bioreactor, Biological Active Filter
Lecture 38 - Aerated Lagoons, Fluidized Bed Bioreactors, Biological Active Filters
Lecture 39 - Rotating Biological Contactor and Hanging Sponge Reactor
Lecture 40 - Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
Lecture 41 - Principles of Anaerobic process for wastewater treatment and Methane Production
Lecture 42 - Types of Anaerobic Treatment Systems
Lecture 43 - Factors Affecting Anaerobic Treatment Systems
Lecture 44 - Designs of Anaerobic Reactors: UASB reactor - I
Lecture 45 - Designs of Anaerobic Reactors: UASB reactor - II
Lecture 46 - Pond System, Components, Factors and Terminologies
Lecture 47 - Constructed Wetlands
Lecture 48 - Bio-electrochemical Systems: Types and Definition
Lecture 49 - Hybrid Bio-electrochemical Systems
Lecture 50 - Modular Designs for Smart Cities
Lecture 51 - Nitrification and Denitrification: Major factors
Lecture 52 - Systems used for Nitrification and Denitrification, Anammox Process
Lecture 53 - Biological Phosphorus Removal and Factors affecting it
Lecture 54 - Advanced Oxidation Processes
Lecture 55 - Other Tertiaty treatment systems
Lecture 56 - Disinfection of Wastewater
Lecture 57 - Sludge Management
Lecture 58 - Life-Cycle Costing
Lecture 59 - Case studies
Lecture 60 - Future of Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Technologies
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Water Quality
Lecture 2 - Classification of Major Water Pollutants
Lecture 3 - Emerging Concerns in Wastewater Treatment in Global Scenario
Lecture 4 - Environmental Legislation and Regulatory Standards
Lecture 5 - Commonly used terminologies and definitions
Lecture 6 - Collection and Preservation of Samples and the Measurement of pH, Acidity, Alkalinity
Lecture 7 - Measurement of DO and Solids in wastewater (TSS/VSS/TDS), Turbidity
Lecture 8 - Determination of BOD, COD and TOC
Lecture 9 - Modelling of BOD and its relation with COD and TOC
Lecture 10 - Determination of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Microbial Counts
Lecture 11 - Wastewater Treatment Classification and Plant Analysis
Lecture 12 - Order of Reaction and Types of Reactors Used in Wastewater Treatment
Lecture 13 - Concept of Mass Balance
Lecture 14 - Overview of Sewage Treatment Plant
Lecture 15 - Self-Purification and its Factors
Lecture 16 - Screens
Lecture 17 - Grit Chamber and its Classification - I
Lecture 18 - Grit Chamber and its Classification - II and Skimming Tank
Lecture 19 - Theory of Sedimentation and Introduction to Primary Sedimentation Tank and its Types
Lecture 20 - PST: Performance factors affecting efficiency and design recommendations
Lecture 21 - Equalization
Lecture 22 - Neutralization, Dissolved Air Floatation
Lecture 23 - Coagulation
Lecture 24 - Flocculation
Lecture 25 - Pre-aeration and other advanced primary treatment units
Lecture 26 - Bacterial Metabolism and Their Use in Wastewater
Lecture 27 - Factors Affecting Bacterial Growth and Wastewater Treatment Using Bacteria
Lecture 28 - Role of enzymes and algae in biological wastewater treatment
Lecture 29 - Important nomenclature on aerobic treatment units
Lecture 30 - Types of aeration used in aerobic treatment units and Analysis of Gas Transfer
Lecture 31 - Activated Sludge Process: Description and Types
Lecture 32 - Bacterial growth kinetics in ASP: Biomass mass balance and substrate mass balance
Lecture 33 - Equalization Estimation of values of other operating parameters in ASP
Lecture 34 - Numericals on ASP
Lecture 35 - Sequencing Batch Reactor
Lecture 36 - Trickling Filter- Physical Overview, Types and Process Description
Lecture 37 - Aerated Lagoon, Fluidised Bed Bioreactor, Biological Active Filter
Lecture 38 - Aerated Lagoons, Fluidized Bed Bioreactors, Biological Active Filters
Lecture 39 - Rotating Biological Contactor and Hanging Sponge Reactor
Lecture 40 - Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
Lecture 41 - Principles of Anaerobic process for wastewater treatment and Methane Production
Lecture 42 - Types of Anaerobic Treatment Systems
Lecture 43 - Factors Affecting Anaerobic Treatment Systems
Lecture 44 - Designs of Anaerobic Reactors: UASB reactor - I
Lecture 45 - Designs of Anaerobic Reactors: UASB reactor - II
Lecture 46 - Pond System, Components, Factors and Terminologies
Lecture 47 - Constructed Wetlands
Lecture 48 - Bio-electrochemical Systems: Types and Definition
Lecture 49 - Hybrid Bio-electrochemical Systems
Lecture 50 - Modular Designs for Smart Cities
Lecture 51 - Nitrification and Denitrification: Major factors
Lecture 52 - Systems used for Nitrification and Denitrification, Anammox Process
Lecture 53 - Biological Phosphorus Removal and Factors affecting it
Lecture 54 - Advanced Oxidation Processes
Lecture 55 - Other Tertiaty treatment systems
Lecture 56 - Disinfection of Wastewater
Lecture 57 - Sludge Management
Lecture 58 - Life-Cycle Costing
Lecture 59 - Case studies
Lecture 60 - Future of Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Technologies
Lecture 8 - Determination of BOD, COD and TOC